segunda-feira, 30 de setembro de 2013

A Brave new world

Engineers use to be perfect... Use to follow the perfect sciences to get the perfect results... More than this, they try to control everything... So how does it works in our brave new world? We have so much info, so much info... But what we gonna do with all that info? Anyway. Big Data is a wonderfull thing.. Companies like banks always had big data, they know even how much time you spent in front of an Ad published in a cash machine, and if it was effective or not. So what if you should know more than this? If you should know even if the person who saw you ad liked it so much that talked to their friends about it? What if you could track the buzz marketing? Well, thanks to Mr. Zuckerberg, now you can. We are on a transition... Like a child in a toystore... with a lot of money. We now have so much, so much info, that we even know how to use it. But that is a wonderful brave new world, that will bring a new life for all the humankind... new heroes... New dreams.